Welcome to the OPUS Projektor Manual

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Welcome to the OPUS Projektor Manual

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If you are new to the OPUS Projektor, the best starting point is the Quick Start Tutorial.


You can also read the help in PDF format:




If you haven't downloaded the OPUS Projektor already, you can do that here.


New content for this version


Change of JavaScript Engine (with consequences! Please read!)

New Project Format

New diagnostic variables for CPU load, free and total RAM and power on / power off / crash count


Many useful changes like:


Find and replace in the JavaScript editor

globally and individually customizable Softkey Fadeout times

Inclusion of DEI and WEAPI packages for C++ development


and much more...



Release Notes

Here you will find the release notes for the latest version of the OPUS Projektor.


i.MX 35 Support

Due to necessary internal changes in the device software, this version does not support i.MX 35 devices anymore. Projects for i.MX 35 devices can still be developed in version 2022.4.

Projects for i.MX 35 devices can be opened and a project conversion is offered to one of the supported device types.


Version check!

Starting with version 2020.4, a version check is implemented in the PClient. Only if the major and minor version of the used development version and PClient version are the same, the project will be loaded. Otherwise a red warning screen will be shown that informs of the version discrepancy.


Important disclaimer!

Please note that for i.MX6 devices, installing the OS 2.x will prohibit a downgrade back to OS 1.x!

Once an OS 2.x is installed, there is currently no way to downgrade back to OS 1.x!


Limitations in the demo version

The demo version is limited to the creation of up to 2 pages and up to 5 user-defined variables.

Additional pages or variables cannot be created.

If a project is opened that exceeds one of these limitations, the project can not be downloaded to the device.

Read here how to get a license!



Modification of images

It is not a good idea to modify images that are already located in the \original_images (bad idea) or the \terminal_files (very bad idea) sub-folders of your project folder.

If you want to modify images, please do so externally in another folder, and then drag & drop the image over the image you want to replace in the Images node in the project tree.

Modifying the images in \terminal_files will lead to the deletion of them with the next save, because the program will realize that the image check sum isn't correct anymore, so it will re-generate the image.

Modifying the images in \original_images can lead to synchronization problems because the images are not refreshed "live", so the program will not show the modified image right away, which can lead to confusion.


Known issues

- GIF files can only be used as Image to Display for Picture Graphic objects, but not as background, needle, border etc. images


- For devices with multi touch, buttons should not be put too close together, especially for contrary functionalities (up/down or plus/minus). With distances < 1.5 cm a second press can sometimes not be recognized as such but will instead be registered as a false coordinate for the first finger, resulting in an unwanted release for the first button.


- Properties of objects should not excessively be changed before the modifications were actually seen on the screen.


- H.264 Ethernet camera streams might be buggy after returning from sleep mode


- Due to constraints in some OS's, the maximum value for the @RTC_Year variable has been reduced to 2037. Once new OS versions are released that have a higher maximum value, we will adapt the maximum variable value, as well.


All rights reserved, including translation.

No part of this operating manual may be reproduced, in any form, (print, photocopy, microfilm, or a different process), nor may it be processed, duplicated, or distributed using electronic systems, without written permission of the creator and distributor of the manual.


All previous versions are rendered obsolete with publication of this manual.

All information contained herein is subject to correction, manufacturer is not liable for any errors in this material.


This manual has 153 chapters with ~189.000 words and 761 images.

Last change: 2024/08/22, revision 1278.

hmtoggle_plus1List of changes:


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