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hmtoggle_plus1Can I rearrange the pages in the tree?
hmtoggle_plus1Can I load projects from older versions?
hmtoggle_plus1I have a terminal with CoDeSys and would like to work with the PClient now. What should I do on the terminal side?
hmtoggle_plus1Is it possible to shorten the startup time of the terminal?
hmtoggle_plus1How can I adjust Power Management settings?
hmtoggle_plus1How can I execute actions when entering different Power Modes?
hmtoggle_plus1How can I show a screen with progress bar while the project is loaded?
hmtoggle_plus1CANopen: Can I change the Node-ID of the device at runtime?
hmtoggle_plus1How can I change the default backlight intensity at startup?
hmtoggle_plus1How can I use the multi color LED?
hmtoggle_plus1Why is my device crashing when using .svg images?
hmtoggle_plus1How can I use the beeper in my project?
hmtoggle_plus1How can I use the hard keys in my project?
hmtoggle_plus1How can I change the page with JavaScript?
hmtoggle_plus1How can I convert a project?
hmtoggle_plus1Audio, Video and Multimedia
hmtoggle_plus1Everything about beeper and audio volume
hmtoggle_plus1How can I let objects blink?
hmtoggle_plus1How can I copy or move files on the device file system?
hmtoggle_plus1How can I rename my project?
hmtoggle_plus1How can I change the order in which the Encoder navigates between objects?
hmtoggle_plus1How can I create landscape / portrait projects?
hmtoggle_plus1What can I do if a font file can't be imported?
hmtoggle_plus1How can I calculate with numbers in unsigned32 in JavaScript
hmtoggle_plus1How can I set the IP of the device?
hmtoggle_plus1I connected an Ethernet camera and did everything right, but why don't I see an image?
hmtoggle_plus1How can I make changes to the file system when loading the project?
hmtoggle_plus1How can I change the line appearance in the 2D Graph?
hmtoggle_plus1How can I display languages with other characters?

hmtoggle_plus1Why is the save button disabled?

hmtoggle_plus1(How) Can I make screenshots of my project on the device?
hmtoggle_plus1Why aren't my GIF files displayed in the project?
hmtoggle_plus1Can I show a PDF file on the device?