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The main approach followed in the OPUS Projektor is to create pages and the navigation between them which is a more static definition.

The dynamics come in with variables changing their values. Other tools use the term "signal" instead of "variable" to describe the same thing. A CANopen "object" also describes what we call a "variable" here. The same is true for J1939 "Suspect Parameter Numbers (SPNs)".

This page provides an overview of the general concept behind the variables.

There are follow-up pages explaining the menus and dialogs to create and manage variables owners and variables.

hmtoggle_plus1Owner Concept
hmtoggle_plus1Remanent Variables
hmtoggle_plus1Predefined Variables
hmtoggle_plus1ISO-VT Variables
hmtoggle_plus1Data Types
hmtoggle_plus1Organizing principles
hmtoggle_plus1Variable import