Video Properties

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Video Properties

The video output of cameras connected to the device can be displayed on the screen. Whether video input is supported depends on the used device.

The following differences exist on the different hardware platforms:


Devices with i.MX35 CPU:

0, 1 or 3 analog video inputs (depending on the device)

Only one video can be shown at the same time

Analog video is always drawn as the most-backward graphics layer and the field of the video objects will be made invisible so that the video image gets visible.
Any other objects (e.g. other non-video frames on top of a video frame/page) will be displayed in front of the video image


Devices with i.MX6 CPU:

1, 2 or 3 analog video inputs (depending on the device)

Two cameras can be shown at the same time (Please note: Due to hardware limitations, input 1 and 3 can not be displayed at the same time, only 1 and 2 or 2 and 3)

It's possible to show a video stream over Ethernet with either H.264 or MJPEG. See below for details and limitations

Video is drawn as the background texture of the video frame or page.

For i.MX6 devices with a quad core processor it is possible to show two analog camera inputs plus an Ethernet camera at the same time.

Video Properties

Use this property to enable showing video in this object (only analog video will be mirrored):

Disable video for this object

Enable video, no mirror


Horizontally Mirrored
Enable video, mirror at the horizontal axis (up will be down)


Vertically Mirrored
Enable video, mirror at the vertical axis (left will be right)


Enable video, mirror it horizontally and vertically (only analog video will be mirrored)



Note that the camera preview image in the tool changes with the different mirror settings.

Video Type

Here the type of the video can be chosen between analog video input or digital H.264 stream over Ethernet:

Analog Video Input
One of the device's analog video inputs shall be used (select which with Video Camera property below)

Ethernet Stream
Show a video stream received via Ethernet (see below for requirements and limitations)

Stream Type

Here the type of the Ethernet camera stream can be chosen:

H.264 via UDP/RTP


H.264 via RTSP

UDP Port

If the Video Type was set to Ethernet stream and a Stream Type with UDP protocol was selected, the UDP port used by the camera can be configured here.


If the Video Type was set to Ethernet stream and a Stream Type with RTSP protocol was selected, the RTSP URL can be written here.

The typical URL for Axis cameras is: rtsp://user:password@<IP>/axis-media/media.amp (e.g. rtsp://root:root@

Anonymous viewing can be enabled in the camera settings. Then user:pass@ can be omitted.

Please check the camera documentation for correct url.

Video Rotation

The camera image can be displayed rotated in 90° steps. This is useful if the camera is e.g. mounted sideways. Please note that an automatic rotation is added when running the device in portrait orientation.

Note the camera preview image changes with different rotation settings.

Video Camera

This property only has an effect if Video Type is set to Analog Video Input. Select one of the 3 video inputs of the device.

Video Alignment

This property only has an effect if Video Type is set to Analog Video Input. Generally the device tries to fill the frame or page completely with the video image. Since we maintain the aspect ratio of 4:3 with analog cameras, it is not always possible to fill the whole object (especially a page on a 16:10 display). Use this property to position the video image either centered or in one of the corners. If the video is displayed in a frame, keep the frame size in a 4:3 format to avoid blank spaces.

Note that H264 video always fills the complete object. If the stream is in a 16:9 format, give the frame the same format to avoid distortions.

Scaling Factor

This property currently has no effect. Analog video will always be scaled so that the whole image is shown in a 4:3 format. H264 video will always be scaled to fill the whole object (adjust object size to stream format, to avoid distortions).


To further customize the look of the video image, the camera variables can be used. Note that these only have an effect on the analog camera inputs.

The properties above are all applied as soon as the application switches to the page that contains the video frame. Other settings that were made with the camera variables are overwritten.


Please note that the size and position variables shall not be set to higher values than the according device resolution, e.g. for a device with resolution 800 x 480, the x position and the width should not be set to a higher value than 800, and y position and height should not be set to a higher value than 480.

Ethernet camera requirements and limitations



The properties of the camera itself like resolution, IP, etc. can currently not be changed by the device. A tool to change camera settings via ISO 17215 is available in the program. See here.

Rotation is supported.

The higher the resolution and/or bandwith of the camera is, the worse the performance on the screen will be. A rough recommendation is to keep it under 15 Mbit/s.

It is possible to show the stream together with analog video on the same page. It is however recommended to do this only on devices that have multi-core CPU. On single core CPUs the performance might drop a lot.

Only one stream can be shown per page.

Ethernet needs to be activated on the device for the stream to be shown, see @Ethernet0_applynstart and @Ethernet0_UpAtStart

@VideoStatus needs to be set to 1


H.264 via UDP/RTP / MJPEG via UDP/RTP:


H.264 / MJPEG video streams over Ethernet are only supported on devices with i.MX6 CPU.

The camera needs to use the RTP protocol via UDP/RTP to deliver the stream.

The camera can either send the stream directly to the IP address of the device or via UDP broadcasts.

The UDP Port that the camera uses needs to be set in the "UDP Port" property of the frame or page that shall show the stream.


H.264 via RTSP:


RTSP video streams over Ethernet are only supported on devices with i.MX6 CPU.

The camera needs to use the RTSP protocol to deliver the stream.


The program has a tool included with which Ethernet cameras can be configured. It can be accessed via the menu Tools -> See here.



Download this project to see a basic Ethernet camera configuration or check out the welcome project sample.