Welcome to the OPUS Projektor Manual

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Welcome to the OPUS Projektor Manual

To begin, choose one of the topics on the left or use the search function.


If you are new to this program, the best starting point is the Quick Start Tutorial.


You can also read the help in PDF format:




Please note that headings with a plus sign next to them in topic pages can be toggled to open them.

On the upper right side of every page there is also a symbol to open or close all headings on the currently opened page: toggle

hmtoggle_plus1Heading Example (click to open)

New content for this version

A powerful project search

A project versioning system


Two new object themes

Tradeshow Dashboard sample project


Many useful changes like:

Smart Save button. The save button is disabled when there is nothing to be saved in the project.

Open PDF Reader from JavaScript

Find out from which event a script was triggered.

Execute system console commands. Use! With!! Caution!!!

and much more...


Version check!

Starting with version 2020.4, a version check is implemented in the PClient. Only if the major and minor version of the used development version and PClient version are the same, the project will be loaded. Otherwise a red warning screen will be shown that informs of the version discrepancy.


Important disclaimer!

Please note that for i.MX6 devices, installing the OS 2.x will prohibit a downgrade back to OS 1.x!

Once an OS 2.x is installed, there is currently no way to downgrade back to OS 1.x!


Limitations in the demo version

The demo version is limited to the creation of up to 2 pages and up to 5 user-defined variables.

Additional pages or variables cannot be created.

If a project is opened that exceeds one of these limitations, the project can not be downloaded to the device.

Read here how to get a license!


Known issues

- GIF files can only be used as Image to Display for Picture Graphic objects, but not as background, needle, border etc. images

- For devices with multi touch, buttons should not be put too close together, especially for contrary functionalities (up/down or plus/minus). With distances < 1.5 cm a second press can sometimes not be recognized as such but will instead be registered as a false coordinate for the first finger, resulting in an unwanted release for the first button.

- Properties of objects should not excessively be changed before the modifications were actually seen on the screen. This is especially relevant with i.MX 35 devices and string properties like Image to Display.


All rights reserved, including translation.

No part of this operating manual may be reproduced, in any form, (print, photocopy, microfilm, or a different process), nor may it be processed, duplicated, or distributed using electronic systems, without written permission of the creator and distributor of the manual.


All previous versions are rendered obsolete with publication of this manual.

All information contained herein is subject to correction, manufacturer is not liable for any errors in this material.


This manual has 140 chapters with ~149.000 words and 690 images.

Last change: 2021/10/08, revision 1262.

- FAQ about PDF reader added

- known problem added

- remark about camera frame size and position added

- new screenshots for Welcome Project 2.3.1

- audio options in events and actions corrected

- copy buttons added in key/ encoder color page in Welcome Project

- New pages low power times and alarm logging in Welcome Project

- Error -93 in Updater FAQ for Ethernet transfer

- variable list updated

- multi touch added to known issues

- FAQ about screenshots added

- constraints of using GIF files added, incl. FAQ and known issues

- Updater CLI documentation added

- tradeshow dashboard added

- New screenshot for new themes

- Introduced text variables for pre-defined variables chapter device descriptions

- Update of Ethernet FAQ

- Updated some screenshots for updater settings in welcome project

- New screenshot for DayNight

- OS/PClient update with partition in update manual

- New splash for pdf manual

- Icon reference in welcome project added

- New chapter for project search

- New chapter for versioning system

- New chapter for undo-redo

- New page multi language in Welcome Project

- Added font FAQ

- Added documentation for rsc JS command

- Corrections in variable logging chapter

- Touch Input property for list objects documentation added

- list object documentation improved

- runSystemCommand function added

- documentation for openPDFReader JS function added

- EEPROM page added to welcome project documentation

- CANopen PDO page added to welcome project documentation

- info about rtsp availability

- updated tour link

- known issues added on welcome page





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