OS EGSCORE for B3 / B4 / B6

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OS EGSCORE for B3 / B4 / B6

The OS EGSCORE contains the following files:


boot_egscore_X.X.X.bin – a binary image with the bootloader

boot-recovery_egscore_X.X.X.bin – a binary image with the service mode bootloader

rootfs_egscore_X.X.X-we-x11-qt5.tar.gz – Root file system package including the Linux kernel

dev-tree_egscore_X.X.X.tar.gz – Device tree file to install the correct device configuration into the device

copro_egscore_X.X.X.tar.gz – PMIC and COMIC update file

service_egscore_x.bin – Service kernel

logo_egscore_b3-te-landscape.bmp (optional) – boot logo for normal start

recovery_egscore_b3-te-landscape.bmp (optional) – boot logo for service mode


update.img – updater image file (not in all releases)


Additionally, there is an md5 check sum file for each of the above files which are used to check the integrity of the files in the installation.