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The Codesys runtime consists only of one file (OS 1.x):


user.tar.gz – zipped package with Codesys executable, additional files and service project


For OS 2.2.4 and newer, there are two files:


user_opusaX_x.y.tar.gz – zipped package with Codesys executable and additional files

user2_opusaX_x.y_Service.tar.gz – zipped package with service project


For OS EGSPRO there are two files:


user_egspro_x.y.tar.gz – zipped package with Codesys executable and additional files

user2_egspro_x.y_Service.tar.gz – zipped package with service project


For OS EGSCORE there are two files:


user_egscore_x.y.tar.gz – zipped package with Codesys executable and additional files

user2_egscore_x.y_Service.tar.gz – zipped package with service project


For OS 1.x for B2 there are two files:


user_opus-b2_x.y.tar.gz – zipped package with Codesys executable and additional files

user2_opus-b2_x.y_Service.tar.gz – zipped package with service project


Additionally there is an md5 checksum file for these files which are used to check the integrity of the files in the installation.


In Windows, the user.tar files are often shown as zip files. Never unzip these files or the update won't work!