<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Crash, Issue, Feedback reports |
With this version we are introducing the possibility to send crash reports and give us general feedback or report an issue directly through the program.
We want to ask you to send us reports, especially Crash Reports, but also your feedback, issues or feature requests.
We can guarantee you that your report will be looked at, carefully reviewed and treated seriously.
We are not a huge faceless company that doesn't care about its products' users.
We want to know your problems with and thoughts about our software, because we want to improve it.
The following types of reports can be sent:
•Crash reports (those are opened automatically when an exception occurs)
•Feedback (for general feedback about our program, positive or negative)
•Feature request (for ideas about new features)
•Issue/Bug (for problems that don't have to do with an exception directly)
If a crash, or more correctly, an exception occurs, a dialog is opened automatically.
Good news first: if you want to send us that report, but you don't want to bother with all the things we ask, just click Send, the crash report will be accepted anonymously.
But it will be more helpful if you will out the fields in the report dialog.
Name - can be your personal name and/or company name (optional for crash reports). The name will be stored for future reports. You can delete the stored data in the Options dialog.
Email - if we have questions regarding your report, it would be good if we could reach out to you (optional for crash reports). The email address will be stored for future reports. You can delete the stored data in the Options dialog.
Subject - is automatically filled with the exception name
Description - Anything you can tell us about what lead to the exception will be helpful (optional for crash reports)
You can attach files to the report.
Attach current project as zip-file to the report - You can choose to attach the current project to the report. Regardless of existing NDAs with your company we can assure you that we will use your project only to try to replicate the issue. We will never give customer projects to any third party. (optional)
Attach undo/redo history to help us to understand the circumstances of the error - You can choose to attach the last actions that were recorded in the undo/redo system. This can help us pinpoint what exactly happens. Additionally, some statistical information about the current project will be attached.
Such a workflow looks e.g. like this:
1: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.24-14:30:45
[Project] "EmptyProject_85" | Loaded | Duration: 3s
Version : 2021.4.4.1
Orig-Version : 2021.4.4.1
Versioning : false
Panel :
Warnings : false
Themes : [modern_bright]
Languages : [english, german, chinese, russian, spanish]
Language-/Unit Objects : 0 / 0
Day-/Night-Mode (Objects) : false (0)
Visibility (Objects) : false (0)
Original Images (unused) : 10 (10)
Unused Images : [PowerSwitchObject_Pressed.svg, PowerSwitchObject_Released.svg, PushSwitchObject_Pressed.svg, PushSwitchObject_Released.svg, RockerSwitchObject_Pressed.svg, RockerSwitchObject_Released.svg, RockerSwitchHorizontalObject_Pressed.svg, RockerSwitchHorizontalObject_Released.svg, LampObject_Pressed.svg, LampObject_Released.svg]
References : 0
Objects : 4
-------------------------- :
Frame : 1
Page : 1
Softkey Frame : 2
-------------------------- :
JS-Files : 0
Variables : 0
Protocols : [No Protocols]
CAN-Mappings : 0
2: ========================================
DummyEdit => TS: 2021.11.24-14:30:45
Page: Project
Edit: Start: EmptyProject_85
3: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.24-14:30:51
[Action] "Report an issue or give feedback" | Action_Performed
4: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.24-14:30:51
[Dialog] "Report an issue, request a feature or give feedback" | Opened
5: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.24-14:31:14
[Dialog] "Report successful" | Opened
6: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.24-14:31:16
[Dialog] "Report successful" | Closed
7: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.24-14:31:16
[Dialog] "Report an issue, request a feature or give feedback" | Closed | => 'Cancelled'
8: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.24-15:17:29
[Action] "Open Project..." | Action_Performed
9: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.24-15:21:28
[TC_Page] "Home Page [35]" | Opened
10: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.24-15:21:29
[TC_Page] "SPLASH SCREEN [16449]" | Opened
11: ========================================
JSAddRemoveEdit => TS: 2021.11.25-07:44:20
Page: JavaScripts
Edit: Add
Old Value:
New Value: File: newEmpty_JavaScript.js
12: ========================================
JSUpdateEdit => TS: 2021.11.25-07:44:21
Page: JavaScripts
Edit: Update
Old Value:
New Value: newEmpty_JavaScript.js
13: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.25-07:44:22
[Dialog] "Hint" | Opened
14: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.25-07:44:23
[Dialog] "Show this dialog again" | Action_Performed | => 'Selected: false'
15: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.25-07:44:24
[Dialog] "Show this dialog again" | Action_Performed | => 'Selected: true'
16: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.25-07:44:25
[Dialog] "Show this dialog again" | Action_Performed | => 'Selected: false'
17: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.25-07:44:25
[Dialog] "Hint" | Closed | => 'Cancelled'
18: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.25-07:51:53
[Dialog] "Variable Manager" | Opened
19: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.25-07:51:59
[Dialog] "Variable Manager" | Closed | => 'Closed'
20: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.25-10:01:39
[Action] "Help" | Action_Performed
21: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.25-10:01:57
[Action] "Help" | Action_Performed
22: ========================================
AddRemoveEdit => TS: 2021.11.29-09:04:03
Page: Home Page
Object(s): Button 1[45]
Parent(s): Frame 1[36]
Edit: Add
23: ========================================
MoveEdit => TS: 2021.11.29-09:04:04
Page: Home Page
Object(s): Button 1[45]
Edit: Move
Old Value: POS [168, 46]
New Value: POS [178, 19]
24: ========================================
AddRemoveEdit => TS: 2021.11.29-09:04:09
Page: Home Page
Object(s): Numeric Field 1[46]
Parent(s): Frame 1[36]
Edit: Add
25: ========================================
MoveEdit => TS: 2021.11.29-09:04:10
Page: Home Page
Object(s): Numeric Field 1[46]
Edit: Move
Old Value: POS [227, 125]
New Value: POS [178, 97]
26: ========================================
PropertyEdit => TS: 2021.11.29-09:04:21
Page: Home Page
Object(s): Numeric Field 1[46]
Edit: Absolute Max Value
Old Value: 100
New Value: 1000
27: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.29-09:04:28
[Action] "Report an issue or give feedback" | Action_Performed
28: ========================================
Workflow => TS: 2021.11.29-09:04:28
[Dialog] "Report an issue, request a feature or give feedback" | Opened
ct(s): Button 1[45]
Edit: Move
Old Value: POS [168, 46]
New Value: POS [178, 19]
Attach system-information to help us understand the surroundings - You can choose to send us your system information. These will be all technical details of your hard- and software, as far as we can get this information. You can click the "system information" to see this information before sending it to us. The information looks e.g. like this:
OS info:
Name: Windows 10
Version: 10.0
Architecture amd64
Available processors (cores): 4
Memory info:
Free heap memory: 1.040.218
Allocated heap memory: 2.656.256
Max heap memory: 4.194.304
Total free heap memory: 2.578.266
Total physical memory: 8.006.560
Disk info:
File system root: C:\
Total space (bytes): 252974198784
Free space (bytes): 31004663808
Usable space (bytes): 31004663808
Attach the latest error-information - For the crash report this will be the most important option, which is why it cannot be de-selected. It is a stack trace of the internal exception. This will be the most valuable information to try to understand what just happened, and how we can prevent it from happening again. A stack trace looks e.g. like this:
Lastly occurred error [2020-02-20 13:02:03.1671769 (+01:00 Europe/Berlin)]:
at java.base/java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextNode(Unknown Source)
at java.base/java.util.HashMap$KeyIterator.next(Unknown Source)
at org.netbeans.api.visual.model.ObjectScene.setSelectedObjects(ObjectScene.java:217)
at org..core.gui.sceneDesigner.PageTopComponent$3.resultChanged(PageTopComponent.java:328)
at org.openide.util.lookup.SimpleProxyLookup.checkLookup(SimpleProxyLookup.java:89)
at org.openide.util.lookup.SimpleProxyLookup.lookup(SimpleProxyLookup.java:134)
at org.netbeans.modules.openide.windows.GlobalActionContextImpl.blickActionMapImpl(GlobalActionContextImpl.java:107)
at org.netbeans.modules.openide.windows.GlobalActionContextImpl.blickActionMap(GlobalActionContextImpl.java:81)
at org.netbeans.modules.openide.windows.GlobalActionContextImpl.propertyChange(GlobalActionContextImpl.java:180)
at java.desktop/java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport.fire(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager.firePropertyChange(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager.setGlobalPermanentFocusOwner(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/sun.awt.SunToolkit$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue$4.run(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue$4.run(Unknown Source)
at java.base/java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.base/java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at org.netbeans.core.TimableEventQueue.dispatchEvent(TimableEventQueue.java:136)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)
Don't show this error again - You can choose to not send this error again. If there happens to be an exception that occurs rather often in your work flow, it will be annoying for you to have the dialog pop up all the time, and receiving the same report over and over again will not be increasingly helpful for us, either. For that case you can disable to show the error that just occurred, again. You can reset this setting in the Options dialog.
Don't show any errors - Please don't enable that. Normally it will not be helpful if you check that option. It will not be of direct harm to you, but if you don't send error reports, we have no chance of recognizing the underlying problem and no chance to repair it. You can reset this setting in the Options dialog.
Send - This will send the report, close the dialog, and, when the transmission is finished, show a feedback dialog with the ticket number your report has created.
You can use this ID as a reference to contact us with more information, questions, etc.
Don't send - This will close the report dialog without sending the report. We hope that you will rarely choose that option. Once again, we are neither Microsoft nor Apple, we want to work with you on creating the best program possible and your report will not end up unread in the trash bin.
The feedback dialog can be opened through the menu Help -> Report an issue or give feedback.
Choose Feedback in the Your concern drop down list to send a general feedback report.
Choose Feature Request in the Your concern drop down list to send a feature request report.
The dialog for feedback and feature request are both very similar to the crash report with the following differences:
Name, Email, Subject - These fields are necessary fields now because the probability that we will want to discuss your report with you are much higher. The name and email will be stored for future reports.
The Report Issue / Bug dialog can be opened through the menu Help -> Report an issue or give feedback.
Choose Issue/Bug in the Your concern drop down list to send an issue / bug report.
The dialog for Issue/Bug is similar to the crash report, with the following differences:
Undo/redo history is not available.
Name, Email, Subject - These fields are necessary fields now because the probability that we will want to discuss your report with you are much higher.
In this view all crash reports and feedbacks from this installment of the program are listed. The list can be sorted by either of the columns.
A double click opens the Reported Issue Details Window.
In this window the details about the issue can be viewed, including the current status and all comments, both by the user and by us.
A new comment can be added in this window.
If anything has changed in one of the issues, this symbol will be displayed in the lower right:
When the user clicks on the symbol, a bubble with information about the update is displayed. The blue underlined text can be clicked and opens the Reported Issue Detail window with this issue and the new information.
Why shouldn't I just click "Don't send" mindlessly if a report pops up? Why should I care?
If you use the program regularly, you surely want the best experience possible when using it. We know that the program is not perfect (yet), but we want to make it as good as we can, and you can help make it a little better with your error reports and your feedback and ideas.
Will I get a feedback from you if I send reports?
Yes. With the new Issue View you have an overview of all your reports and the measures we take.
Will you do everything I suggest?
Probably not, except if you only have so very excellent ideas that we just need to implement them all. We will consider every suggestion though, and if we deem it a good idea for lots of customers, you may see your suggestion become reality in one of the next versions.
What will you do with my data and my project?
We will not use your email address for anything other than contacting you in case it is necessary to solve the issue at hand. We will only use your project to replicate the problem that you have. Neither will ever go to a third party.
How is my report sent to you?
We use a JIRA server to process reports. Every report creates a ticket in JIRA, which will then be looked at and processed by us. The ticket number will be displayed in a dialog after you have sent the report. You also have an overview of all your reports in the Issue View.
The undo/redo history looks like you are recording all my activities - are you spying on me?
No. Yes, we are recording your activities in the current session, but only for the purpose of being able to understand what you did before an exception occurred. You can see the complete history that you send to us beforehand. There is no sensitive data that could reveal any kind of intellectual property or sensitive information.
My report wasn't sent - why?
We see the following possible reasons why a report couldn't be sent:
•You don't have an Internet connection - nothing we can do about that, but when you reconnect you can send your reports again, see below.
•Our server is down - nothing you can do about that. Hopefully it will be back up quite soon. If in doubt, contact the technical support to find out what happened
•Computer says no - I hope you laughed now. This is a little easter egg, and by the way, thank you for reading our manual so deeply! Let's stay serious now and continue.
•The report is too big - There may only be short of 30.000 characters in a report. If you wrote a LOT in the description, maybe shorten it a bit and send the rest as a comment through the Issue View. If it happens that the exception stack trace is too large, please send it as a comment later instead.
My report wasn't sent because I don't have Internet connection. Is it lost now?
No, we buffer unsent reports until our JIRA server can be reached again. They will be sent the next time a report is successfully sent. We buffer up to 10 MB of report data (excluding attachments and project data).